
Comfort for Critters

Celebrating 16 years & 189,000+ comforted shelter pets!

How it all began...

Comfort for Critters began as a small idea, and that’s being generous. To say I thought all this up is greatly overestimating my abilities. It was simply a quiet tap on my shoulder by God, amongst the meows at my local animal shelter. I was given the idea that, “it might be something I should do.” God can be pretty subtle in His requests sometimes, and this was no exception. I had a job and two grade schoolers, after all. It was something that could have easily been relegated to the back burner. However, I feel when the Big Guy suggests something, you really ought to listen. Kind of like the mafia, only way nicer.

The growth that I have seen, and the blessings that have rained down on all involved, are a wonder to behold. There have certainly been the very tough times, like when both my husband and I were laid off within weeks of each other a few years ago. Yes, that would be one of those “testing times.”

I remember telling a friend when I got laid off, that my first thought was “how am I going to keep shipping boxes?” She was surprised that my first thought wasn’t my mortgage payment. Of course she’s right, but she’s a new friend and didn’t realize yet where my heart lies. Above all, I need to keep getting my volunteer’s beautiful creations to the precious pets waiting for families. The Big Guy “suggested it”, after all.

There have been utterly joyful times as well. When I get a warm email from someone, thanking me for the blanket their kitty came home with, or for the box that showed up at their shelter….well, those make my day. I usually tell the person that, but I’m sure they think I’m exaggerating. I’m not. There have been many days, gotten through, with a deep breath and a nice email.

More than talking endlessly about Comfort for Critters (as I could!), I’d like to encourage everyone to find their own passion - their own CFC. I hope to do my little part in that as well this year. And in case you’re wondering…yes, it’s in response to another firm tap on my shoulder.

So thank you for reading and please comment good or bad (though good would be better). I’d love this to be a discussion of passions, not a monologue from me. Stay tuned as we start this new phase together. For some reason I can’t shake the feeling that 2015 is going to be one interesting year!

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Support our mission with the purchase of our pattern books: Crochet for Critters & Crochet for Your ComfortEach book has 30 crochet patterns that are perfect for pet blankets. They also tell the story of CFC and why crafting helps the crafter along with the pet! Every purchase keeps us going and keeps us shipping our free blankets!

E-books here!

Paperback "Crochet for Critters" on Amazon!

Paperback "Crochet for Your Comfort" on Amazon!

books to help you make blankets ... and help us ship our free blankets!
