Everything you've ever wanted to know about Comfort for Critters. Enjoy!
What type of yarn should I use?
Any type of yarn is fine, as long as it's washable and machine dryable. We find the inexpensive 4-ply yarn is great, but thicker yarn, or thinner, works too. However, keep in mind that thicker yarn may be a bit harder to work with and thinner yarn usually needs to be doubled or tripled to make a nice comfy blanket.
What is the best stitch to use for my blankets?
There is no "best" stitch, so feel free to try something new! However, a blanket with fewer "holes" is more versatile. The shelters will know which blanket is best for each pet, so a more dense blanket can go to any pet, while Granny Squares and similar patterns will go to only certain pets.
Where can I get patterns to make pet blankets?
We have free patterns for knit, crochet and fleece blankets on this website page. If you want to support our mission, you may also purchase one of our e-books which have 30 crochet patterns each, that are perfect for pet blankets. Click here to check them out.
What’s the best size for cat blankets and for dog blankets?
We suggest a blanket size of around 20-22" x 20-22" for cats & some dogs, and 30" x 30" for large dogs, but truly anything close is fine. That's the size that fits most shelter enclosures and the most pets. As you may know, shelters receive all sorts of pets, from kittens to large dogs, and our blankets hope to comfort them all.
When I donate blankets to a shelter, how many should I send?
We always suggest you do whatever is most convenient for you. If the shelter is close by, just drop off a few whenever you get them made. If you are shipping them, we recommend that you find a small box and ship them whenever it's full.
Will I get an acknowledgement from the shelter or from CFC when I donate blankets?
It'd be wonderful if the shelters could always send thank you notes, but they are sometimes just too busy (their priority is always caring for the animals). If you let CFC know that you've donated, via an email or our website form, you will always get either a card or email thank you!
Where should I send the blankets I’ve made?
Once you get any size group of blankets made, just check our list of supported shelters for one near where you live, work or visit. Click on the name of the shelter and you'll be directed to their website for their address. Please always mark the blankets to the attention of the contact name on our list (not everyone at the shelter may be aware of our program). Include this drop off memo so that they know your blankets are part of our program and please let us know via one of our website forms that you donated.
What should I include, when I donate a group of blankets?
Be sure to include the drop off memo so that they know the blankets are part of our program. You can also donate handmade pet toys, new store-bought toys, or really any item on the shelter's wish list. If you plan to donate food or treats, it's best to contact the shelter first, since they often require certain brands.
How do I get my blankets to the animal shelter?
If they are close enough, you can drop them off any time. Even if the shelter is closed, there are staff and volunteers going in and out, so you can leave your bagged donation (with our drop off memo) near the front door and they will be taken in. You can also ship your blankets to the shelter.
How do I know which shelter in my state is most in need of blankets?
Since we support over 400 shelters in the US, we can never hope to give any one shelter all of the blankets they will need. We suggest you choose a shelter near you, and support them as much as you can!
How can I sign up a shelter near me to your program?
Over the past 15 years all of our growth is due to adding highly recommended shelters to our list, and knowing we have some local support for the shelter as well. If you would "highly recommend" this shelter, please email me with their name, city & state and website address. I'll contact them to see if they're interested in our program. It's completely free to the shelters, but we do ask that they allow the pets to take their blankets home when they are adopted, and we make sure they can use blankets which are knit and crocheted. Please also let me know if you plan to make blankets for them as well. I will ship blankets from here in Illinois, but I always like to have some local support.
If I suggest a shelter to CFC, what happens and how will I know if they’re signed up?
Linda will contact them to see if they're interested, get some information and make sure they meet the requirements. She will keep you posted on their reply. These shelters are busy, so it sometimes takes a few tries to get through to them, so it may be a couple weeks until you hear back from Linda.
What are the requirements for a shelter to be part of the CFC program?
Our program is completely free to the shelters but we do need to get detailed contact information, they must be able to use "yarn" blankets (knit/crochet) and commit to sending a blanket home with the pet when they are adopted.
Do all animal shelters take blankets that are knit or crocheted?
Some shelters do not accept "yarn" blankets, which is why we always ask. With very few exceptions (which are noted on our shelter list) all our participating shelters do accept knit and crocheted blankets.
Do the shelters notify CFC when blankets are donated?
No, they just have too much to do! That's why we always ask that you let us know via one of the forms on our website.
I work or volunteer for an animal shelter. How can we get added to your program?
We'd be happy to add your shelter to the list of those we support. Please email us at info@comfortforcritters.org with the name of your shelter, your website and the email address of someone we can contact. We'll be in touch within a few days!
Should I tell CFC when I donate blankets directly to a shelter or drop them off at CFC’s home base?
Yes, please always use one of our website forms to let us know that you donated blankets to a shelter. You don't need to tell us when you drop them off at our home base, but we do ask that your name and email is included in the bag of anything dropped off.
What if I donate blankets to a shelter that’s not in the CFC program?
Of course you're free to donate where you would like, but you should check with the shelter first to make sure they use blankets, that they have a current need, and especially that they will accept "yarn" blankets. All of the shelters in our program (with few exceptions which are listed on the website) already meet these requirements.
How do I know when a shelter I support needs more blankets?
Virtually all the shelters always need more! Most help hundreds, if not thousands of pets, so they can never have enough supplies. You can always reach out to the shelter and ask. Please make sure you direct your inquiry to the contact person we have listed for the shelter on our "shelters supported" webpage. Not everyone at the shelter will be familiar with our program.
Can I earn community service hours by making blankets?
Unfortunately due to staff limitations, we're not able to award community service hours in 2023. Sorry! We do encourage you to contact your local shelter directly. There's a list of participating shelters on our website, with links to their webpages. You'll likely be able to make blankets for them directly and receive the credit & documents you need from them.
How can I get my group involved?
We’ve had many corporations sponsor a “day of giving”, along with various bible studies, scouting groups and others make blankets as a group. Click here for our Group Project Packet, which has all you need to know to hold a blanket-making event.
Does CFC sponsor any groups that get together locally to make blankets?
We are not aware of any groups that meet regularly to make blankets, but don't let that stop you from starting one. A great place to start would be to join our Facebook Group, "The Comfort for Critters Team" and see who is in your area!
How can I meet other CFC volunteers that may live in my area?
We suggest you join our Facebook Group, "The Comfort for Critters Team" and post pictures of your pets or your blankets. It's a very supportive group and you may find other volunteers that are in your area.
How can I donate yarn or fleece to CFC?
We'd love to get your yarn or fleece donation! Here's the address: Comfort for Critters, 3s139 Sequoia Drive, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. FYI, the address is correct, it's a rural route so it has an "s" between the "3" and "139" as a directional (south). We greatly appreciate, and will use, whatever you care to donate. We provide free yarn to all our volunteers, so every bit will be put to good use.
How can I get free yarn or fleece from CFC’s home base?
Our "home base" is my home in Glen Ellyn, IL. I do provide free yarn which you can pick up at any time. When I have fleece donations I also make these available (please check with me first, since I don't always have them). My address is "3s139 Sequoia Drive" in Glen Ellyn. I'm in the Valley View subdivision, immediately south of Rt 56 and immediately west of Rt 53. I have a bench to the left of my front door, whose seat opens for storage. I keep it stocked with bags of yarn for volunteers. So if you think you'd like to make blankets, please stop by 24/7 and help yourself.
How can I get free yarn and fleece if I’m not in CFC’s area?
Volunteers have found great success in getting materials by just sharing what you’re doing with family & friends, either personally or on social media. We have some ready-made social media posts on our website you can use. Check them out here.
helping cfc...
Where is CFC headquartered?
We're a small group, with just one staff member, so our "home base" is my home in Glen Ellyn, IL.
What happens at CFC headquarters?
From my home I receive yarn and fleece donations daily, re-bag everything and make 100% of the donations available 24/7 for local volunteers to pick up. I also receive daily donations of finished blankets from hundreds of local volunteers. These are boxed and shipped out once a week to 400+ shelters across the US. Besides that, all the business functions (accounting, marketing, correspondence, etc.) is handled here as well!
How can I best support the mission of CFC?
Making blankets is the number one way! It's also helpful if volunteers purchase one of our $10 e-books which help keep us going and keep us shipping!
Besides the e-book, is there a printed book, to help support CFC?
Yes! We sell both of our e-books in printed form via Amazon. A link to each can be found here. They are unfortunately more expensive than the $10 e-books because color printing is quite costly!
What are some of the key metrics on CFC?
We've grown over the past 15 years to support over 400 animal shelters, covering every state in the US. We accomplish that with a roster of over 1,000 volunteers, some helping each month, some helping once a year. We donate between 1,500 and 2,000 blankets each and every month, which go to all pets which end up in shelters.
How can I get more information on CFC and its mission?
Our volunteer packet is probably the best place to start. You can find it here. If you have any questions or input, just reach out via any of our website forms. Thank you!
Support our mission with the purchase of our pattern books: Crochet for Critters & Crochet for Your Comfort. Each book has 30 crochet patterns that are perfect for pet blankets. They also tell the story of CFC and why crafting helps the crafter along with the pet! Every purchase keeps us going and keeps us shipping our free blankets!
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