
Comfort for Critters

Celebrating 17 years & 209,000+ comforted shelter pets!

Volunteer Information...


Volunteer Packet

If you have questions, this has the answers. It's also a great tool to pass along to someone else who might be interested in volunteering.



               Blanket Drop-Off Memo

Use this when you bring in your blankets to area shelters! Don't forget to ask for a tax receipt (most shelters can give you this)!

How to Make Blankets...

Knit or Crochet a Blanket

Knit or crochet a blanket using any pattern and any color of washable yarn. Feel free to mix and match colors, and even make up your own pattern! The finished blanket should be approximately 20-22 inches square. If it's not perfect (who is?) that's fine with us, and the critters!  If you'd like some ideal patterns for blankets, just check out our Free & Easy Patterns page.

While most of the blankets we make and send are this size, we do love and support larger dogs and other "critters". So do feel free to make them doggie-sized if you like, or larger to accommodate larger pets. We gladly take ANY size blanket and will find the perfect animal to cuddle it!

Make a Fleece Blanket

Use two pieces of fleece (so that it's nice and thick) - at least one piece should have a pattern, if possible. You can sew them together or cut and tie them. If they do have ties, please try to make the center (untied) portion of the blanket about 20-inches square.                              Click here for a free tied-fleece pattern             Click here for a free no-tie fleece pattern

Have questions? Check out our new FAQ page!

I donated blankets to a shelter...

Tell us a bit more (to share in our newsletter) ...

Enter name & email!

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books to help you make blankets ... and help us ship our free blankets!


Support our mission with the purchase of our pattern books: Crochet for Critters & Crochet for Your ComfortEach book has 30 crochet patterns that are perfect for pet blankets. They also tell the story of CFC and why crafting helps the crafter along with the pet! Every purchase keeps us going and keeps us shipping our free blankets!

E-books here!

Paperback "Crochet for Critters" on Amazon!

Paperback "Crochet for Your Comfort" on Amazon!

Homeless pets on cfc blankets!

Where to bring or send blankets & materials...

#1 Mail (or drop-off) donated yarn and fleece to our headquarters in IL:


You may mail, or drop off, all donations of yarn and fleece to our home base in Glen Ellyn, IL. If you are not local to Glen Ellyn, IL and have blankets to send, please see #2 below! 

Comfort for Critters

(We are stocked-up on yarn, so we're not accepting more at this time)

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

If you are personally dropping something off, we have a large pick-up/drop-off bin (ie. bench with storage) to the left of the front door, for 24/7 access. Please leave your name and email on whatever you drop off, so that we can send a thank you note. If you are dropping off blankets at our headquarters, a donation to help us ship them out is appreciated. Thank you!


#2 Please mail or drop-off blankets to a shelter in your state:alt

If you'd like to bring in your blankets directly to an animal shelter, simply choose one from our list of participating shelters (see our Shelters Supported page). Please use our "Drop off Memo" found on this page, so that they know the blankets are part of our program. This ensures the blanket will be sent home with the pet when they are adopted! Be sure to ask for a tax receipt, since many of the shelters can provide this!

We also ship blankets directly from CFC HQs, so please let me know when you bring in blankets to a shelter - I keep track of it all! Use the form (above) on this page, or send me an email at Thank  you!


Reach out with social media

If you'd like try and get donated yarn, please feel free to use these on your social media. They seek yarn donations, which are sent to you, and postage donations which are referred to CFC headquarters. Right-click on the images to save them as JPG files.

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Flyer for Yarn & Fleece Donations

If you're interested in trying to get yarn and fleece donated directly to you, this may help. Craft stores often have a bulletin board for customers to post items. You can post this, and include your information at the bottom, or trim the bottom off and post it to promote CFC!

Click here to download it!

Reach out to shelters!



If you'd like to contact your local shelter about joining our program, here's a great flyer you can use. Feel free to send it to the shelter and let CFC know. We'll follow up directly, to see if they are interested. Thank you!

Click here for a flyer you can send to your shelter! 

coloring pages offer another way to help CFC!


If you're looking for another way to help animal shelters, and say "thank you" to the great people who work there, just do some coloring! This idea came from Lynn H., one of our wonderful volunteers. She sent CFC headquarters these colorful pages (on the left), which all include a hand written thank you note to the shelter workers. I include a page from Lynn with every single box I ship out.

If you'd like to color pages to include with your drop offs, shipments or send them to CFC headquarters as well, I've put together a packet to get you started. Click here to download it! Of course, any coloring page would work, just be sure to add a personal note. If you have kids at home, it'd be a great way to get them involved too! Give it a try and have fun being creative in a new way!

who we help...


why we help...


how we help...
