
Comfort for Critters

Celebrating 16 years & 188,000+ comforted shelter pets!

Blog posts : "cats"

Stressed? Knit or crochet your way to relaxation...

Can we really knit or crochet our way to relaxation? Yes, it’s true. Studies have shown, and all of us crafters know, that knitting and crocheting can be a huge stress reliever. I’ve personally heard this from many volunteers…that it’s a way for them to relax and unwind after a long day. But is this…

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Easy Steps to Stop Litter Tracking

While we love to give our kitties the run of the house, we often don’t want them to bring their kitty litter along. Tracking litter out of the litterbox is often unavoidable for them. As their human companions it’s up to us to minimize it, as much as possible. There are a handful of simple and easy …

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Pets: Our Companions in Depression

Depression is a silent disease that remains the leading cause of disability in the US*. Until it came to visit my own home, I didn’t give it much thought. It affects over 16 million adults in the US, or 6.7% of the US population. I have seen first-hand the positive role pets can play in this illness…

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How to Know if Your Cat is in Pain

One of the most frustrating experiences in any pet parent’s life is when they think, or find out, their cat is in pain. Sometimes pain is suspected, due to an injury or recent surgery. Other times it’s a complete surprise, happening when the veterinarian notices a condition that is surely causing pa…

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4 blog posts

Support our mission with the purchase of our pattern books: Crochet for Critters & Crochet for Your ComfortEach book has 30 crochet patterns that are perfect for pet blankets. They also tell the story of CFC and why crafting helps the crafter along with the pet! Every purchase keeps us going and keeps us shipping our free blankets!

E-books here!

Paperback "Crochet for Critters" on Amazon!

Paperback "Crochet for Your Comfort" on Amazon!

books to help you make blankets ... and help us ship our free blankets!
